Class of 2024
Adam Tittle
Crisanto Carillo
CSU Fullerton
CSU Fullerton
Devin Ponciano
UC Irvine
UC Irvine
Fabian Rouillon
San Jose State University
San Jose State University
Sheraz Fayyaz
Giselle Alonso
University of Redlands
University of Redlands
Haley Duncan
Harvey Mudd College
Harvey Mudd College
Jacob Wallis
Paul Gonzalez
UC Davis
JOsiah Fu
UC Irvine
Kyle Tsubaki
UC Davis
Landon McGraw
Harvey Mudd College
Harvey Mudd College
Mason Beard
Cal Poly Slo
Cal Poly Slo
Naomi Uehara
Biola University
Class of 2023
Dalton Mora
Cuesta College
Cuesta College
Gabriela Perez
UC San Diego
UC San Diego
Logan Padilla
El Camino
El Camino
Luke saikley
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona
Madeleine Perez
UC Irvine
UC Irvine
Matthew Ochoa
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola Marymount University
Micheal Ornelas
El Camino
Mikayla Luong
CSU Fullerton
Nelson Rios
Cal Poly Pomona
Nicholas Dass
Harvey Mudd College
Harvey Mudd College
Rafael Bravo
Cuesta College
Cuesta College
Class of 2022
Rena Abdella
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
Jacob Bates
UC Merced
UC Merced
Giancarlo Biondo
El Camino
El Camino
Winston Bird
San José State University
San José State University
Patrick Dass
Johns Hopkins
Johns Hopkins
Benjamin Johnson
UC San Diego
UC San Diego
Lawrence Kimura
El Camino
Calvin Nitsos
Rochester Institute of Technology
Leila Ramos
El Camino
Rudy Rodriguez
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
Fatimah Shuaib
Maya Waller
Howard University
Howard University
Class of 2021
Nicole Yeh
David Uehara
Kai Lyou
UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley
Sterling Rawls
UC San Diego
UC San Diego
Austin Kehl
Cal Poly Slo
Cal Poly Slo
Xzavier Padilla
UC Los Angeles
KAYLeigh Rampen
Oregon State University
Derrick Boston
Howard University
Howard University
Sebastion Bravo
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona
Class of 2020
Allison Gomez
Academy of Art University
Academy of Art University
Angela Magat
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona
Carter Fortunato
UC Santa Cruz
UC Santa Cruz
Eric Moreles
Grand Canyon University
Grand Canyon University
Garret Feng
Cal State Fullerton
Cal State Fullerton
George Motter
New Mexico Tech
New Mexico Tech
Haley Tully
Cal State Long Beach
Cal State Long Beach
Jonathan Nakamoto
El Camino
El Camino
Karlsun Jennings
Baylor University
Baylor University
Kelsy Palacios
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona
Melita Jackson
Cal State Long Beach
Cal State Long Beach
Miles Schubert
Oregon State University
Oregon State University
Monica Shinh
UC Los Angeles
UC Los Angeles
Nicholas Martin
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona
Philip Johnson
UC San Diego
UC San Diego
Class of 2019
Aaron Marquez
Cal State Sacramento
Cal State Sacramento
Christopher Baughman
Cal State Dominguez Hills
Cal State Dominguez Hills
Corey Carranza
El Camino
El Camino
Emma Hall
Oregon State University
Oregon State University
Eric Banuelos
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Barbara
James Johnson
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona
Joy Uehara
The University of Southern California
The University of Southern California
Julian Gonzalez
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola Marymount University
Lauren Miller
Sierra College
Matthew Chan
UC Los Angeles
Nina Bullock
UC Merced
UC Merced
Ryan Bohney
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Class of 2018
Amanda Galley
Chapman University
Chapman University
Dawson Hawkins-Zeller
San Jose State University
San Jose State University
Julia Rios
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Kevin Mardirossian
UC Irvine
UC Irvine
Mikal Muhammad
Cal State Chico
Cal State Chico
Morgan Shea
Chapman University
Chapman University
Pablo Arriola
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Sean Harrod
Cal State Long Beach
Cal State Long Beach
Class of 2017
Anthony Landaverde
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona
Asa Cusick
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cindy Magana
Brown University
Brown University
Jacob Hernandez
El Camino
Jim Nguyen
UC Merced
UC Merced
Kaitlin Mathieu
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Barbara
Kelly Crabtree
UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley
Leanna Newman
UC Davis
Nabiha Khan
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Rachel Greenberg
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Reema Shinh
Cal State Long Beach
Cal State Long Beach
Robin Frodsham
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Samuel Haynes
Cal State Chico
Cal State Chico
Sarah Adebabay
UC Berkley
Victor Cime
UC Santa Cruz
UC Berkley
Victor Cime
UC Santa Cruz
Class of 2016
Aileen Ho
UC Berkeley
Alejandro Martinez
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Barbara
Andrew Nott
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Anthony Gonzalez
Bryan Garcia
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Christopher Hansen
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Daniel Lynch
Cal State Fullerton
Cal State Fullerton
Donovan Shorter
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona
John Kimura
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
John Mayen
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Joseph Fuentes
UC Merced
UC Merced
Maleko Bravo
Hawaii Pacific University
Hawaii Pacific University
Matthew Hosino
UC Davis
UC Davis
Noah Anderson
Cal State Dominguez Hills
Cal State Dominguez Hills
Ross Levine
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Stevan Tran
UC Santa Cruz
UC Santa Cruz
Theo Bolas
UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley
Vincent Ornelas
Loyola Marymount University
Class of 2015
Ammar Fatani
El Camino College
El Camino College
Anthony Stuart
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Becky Lu
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Christian Franco
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona
Jessica Mankewitz
UC Berkeley
UC Berkeley
Isabella Rios
Stanford University
Stanford University
Miguel Ceniceros
Stanford University
Stanford University
Patrick Rendon
San Jose State
San Jose State
Steven Marshall
Syracuse University
Syracuse University
Sydne Seals
Azuza Pacific University
Azuza Pacific University
Walter Castellanos
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola Marymount University
Class of 2014
Amy Hu
UC San Diego
UC San Diego
Chan Lee
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Efrain Lopez
UC Merced
UC Merced
Francisco Merida
Cal State Los Angeles
Cal State Los Angeles
Iridian Chino
UC Irvine
UC Irvine
Kylen Soriano
Brown University
Brown University
Martin Chapman
UC San Diego
UC San Diego
Minal Habash
UC San Barbara
UC San Barbara
Moises Barba
Pepperdine University
Pepperdine University
Nathalie Maldonado
UC Irvine
UC Irvine
Class of 2013
Adriana Henriquez
UC Davis
UC Davis
Alex Creencia
Cal State Long Beach
Alyssa Tomlinson
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola Marymount University
Brandon Serna
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona
Carlos Lopez
Syracuse University
Syracuse University
Eric Chow
El Camino
El Camino
JohnPaul Ramirez
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Barbara
Jonathan Dao
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona
Kan Thongnoppakun
UC San Diego
Kat Thongnoppakun
UC San Diego
UC San Diego
Kimberly Carrillo
San Jose State
Marc Iwamoto
UC San Diego
UC San Diego
Nora Banuelos
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Barbara
Ruqayya Toorawa
Stanford University
Stanford University
Sal Olivares
UC Santa Barbara
Tatiana Baquero
Stanford University
Stanford University
Tiffany Stuart
Rice University
Rice University
Tristian Vo
Cal Poly Pomona
Class of 2012
Allan Murillo
UC Merced
UC Merced
Ariana Chavez
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology