2020 Infinite Recharge
The Challenge
2020 Infinite Recharge Game Animation
Team 4201 Robot ReVeal:
The Robot
Name: Jango
Weight: 122 lbs
Size: 44”H x 26.5”W x 33”L
Strategy: Our strategy was really simple: create a simple and effective tall robot. Our first priority was to have as many robots on a balanced climb. Secondly, we wanted a good, reliable autonomous code. Thirdly, we wanted consistent, fast-shooting cycles. This was the basis of all of our design decisions made on Jango.

Orange CoUnty Regional
The Orange County Regional was unfortunately canceled due to COVID-19, however, that didn’t stop our team from proudly displaying our spirit online! Our team was thrilled to hear that one of our members, Nicole Yeh, won the Dean’s List Finalist Award at the OC Regional that recognized her excellence in leadership on our team.
Los Angeles Regional
This year, we were honored to host the LA Regional at our school. Our amazing drive team lead us to be the 1st seed Captains and Regional Winners! Because of our robot’s outstanding performance during the autonomous period, we also won the Autonomous Award. After the first day of the competition, we hosted a Glow Dance in hopes that the participating teams could bond outside of a traditional setting. We cannot wait to host and participate in the LA Regional again next year!
2019 Beach Blitz
Team 4201 was ecstatic to participate in another Beach Blitz competition this offseason! We were grateful to be ranked 6th and compete in the Semi-Finals with Teams 3647 and 399. We would also like to extend congratulations to Teams 5818, 6072, and 3476 for their winning alliance!